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Today, silica is a leading component for producing healthy and productive cannabis plants as well as other florae grown at home, on a farm, or at a large nursery. In truth, silica plays a vital role in the various aspects of life itself
- It’s the main element of the Earth’s crust
- Silica is a major component of most sandy beaches
- It’s an important element for making everyday glass products
- It can be found in the veins of quartz crystal that run through granite rocks and sandstone
Silica is also utilized for growing bigger and healthier cannabis plants, especially during the flowering of buds. In fact, many rowers claim that there are great benefits to using silica during the flowering stage.
One of the biggest challenges for the novice is realizing when each stage starts and when to add nutrients to increase yields. Basically, there are two major stages of growth – the cannabis stages of flowering and vegetative.
Other stages include germination, seedling, pre-flowering, and the seed stage. To utilize silica during the flowering stage, it is important to know how to identify a swollen calyx verses a pollen sac hermie plant.
What is Silica?
Silica or silicon dioxide is created when silicon comes into contact with oxygen. It is a major element of plant tissue and found in different types of soil.
In addition, silica often has a larger application in plants than potassium and nitrogen. Because it’s not identified as an essential nutrient; growers often overlook the important role it plays in plant health.
However, many growers now add silica into their normal feeding program.
Purpose of Silicon with Cannabis Growth
Without a doubt, there are many benefits of using silicon for growing cannabis. In fact, silicon can be utilized to reap its benefits as early as the seedling stage up to a plants full growth.
In result, when used during the seedling stage or during cloning, your plants are more resilient to diseases such as powdery mildew or fusarium. As well, silica increases structural strength and far better capacity for the production of bud.
The benefits of silicon in cannabis are unquestionable. When given early to seedlings or clones, the root system becomes much more resistant to diseases like fusarium.
It builds inside the plant cell walls and produces remarkable structural strength and a better capacity to produce much better buds. The purpose of silicon with cannabis growth entails a variety of factors like
- More resistant to pests
- More resilient to heat and cold
- Builds inside the plants cell walls
- Produces amazing structural strength
- A greater capacity to produce better buds
- Stronger cell walls – prevent water loss and diseases
- Greener leaves due to increased ability to produce chlorophyll
Deficiency and Toxicity of Silica/Silicon
The function of silicon in plants is quite prolific and essential for health because it
- Is vital for drought resistance
- Helps regulate defense genes
- Slows the rate of transpiration
- Triggers genetic plant defense structures
- Induces systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
- Increases resistance to biting and chewing insects
- Produces numerous beneficial antioxidant enzymes
- Increases overall plant strength, upright physique, and rigidity
- Boosts plant defenses against diseases like powdery mildew, botrytis, and pythium
Silicon Deficiency
Quite frankly, a silicon deficiency is pretty rare. Nevertheless, silicon deficiency can occur and is rather devastating. Common symptoms include weaker stems, the tendency to droop, issues with insects, and drastically reduced yields.
Fortunately, resolving a silicon deficiency problem is rather easy. Simply apply a supplement that uses soluble silicate. Note – For best results, potassium silicate needs to be applied to the growing medium.
Make sure to read the instructions for proper pH adjustments and tank mix compatibility.
Silicon Toxicity
Silicon toxicity can also occur. On the other hand, toxicity is even rarer than deficiency. Generally when a plant has silicon toxicity the will be several indicators such as deformed flowers, stems break easily, and woody stems.
To fix silicon toxicity, you need to flush the roots with a 1/3 strength nutrient solution. Next, resume nutrient feeding but use a diluted solution, use about ¾ strength until the issue is fixed.
How Adding Silica to Your Grow Op Will Help You Cultivate Bigger, Better Buds
Adding silica to your grow op can greatly increase your yields and also help you cultivate bigger and better buds. For instance, silica helps your plants absorb nutrients better, creates plants with stronger cell structures, protects against diseases and metal toxicity, improves overall crop performance, and increases nutrient absorption.
Today, many growers and researchers agree that there are many benefits to adding silica to your regular nutrient feeding schedule. According to experts, silicon helps plants battle pests and diseases, combat metal toxicity, absorb nutrients, build strong cell walls, and improve crop yields.
Silica has also been proven to
- Reduce powdery mildew as much as 80%
- Protect against pests in your grow op
- Helps your plants build strong cell walls
- Helps your cannabis plants absorb nutrients better
Getting the Most out of Silica in Your Grow Op
Making sure that your plants get enough silica is very important for healthy plants and higher production. Once you choose the best suited silica product, you need to properly apply it.
For the most part, silica needs a pH higher than seven so that it stays soluble. As well, silica cannot be included with other nutrients. It actually needs to be added and stored separately from other nutrients.
Moreover, if you use a two part feed, silica needs to be the third part. Generally it is best to dilute the silica with approximately one gallon of water.
The dilution helps prevent nutrient lock-out. Silica should be added in the early stages of vegetative growth. In addition, some growers believe that you should stop feeding your plants two to three weeks into bloom, depending on the type of silicon that’s used.
Generally, silica comes in the form of potassium silicate. Likewise, the product should come with instructions. Make sure that you read and follow the instructions carefully.
Silica Improves Crop Yields & Much More
Not only does silica increases your crop yields but it also improves the soil and hydro solution for the coming years. In addition, silica helps build strong cell walls and improve nutrient uptake.
Forthrightly, the yields of your crop are the most important aspect. For instance, the more products that you have, the more money you make.
Therefore, utilizing silica for higher yields is imperative.